The Noble Eightfold Path မဂၢင္ ( ၈ ) ပါး
The Middle way ( Majjhimapatipada ) မဇၩိမ ပဋိပဒါ
1. သမၼာ ဒိ႒ိ Samma - ditthi = Right View or Understanding
2. သမၼာ သကၤပၺ Samma - sankappa = Right Thought or Intention
3. သမၼာ ၀ါစာ Samma - vaca = Right Speech
4. သမၼာ ကမၼႏၲ Samma - kammanta = Right Action
5. သမၼာ အာဇီ၀ Samma - ajiva = Right Livelihood
6. သမၼာ ၀ါယာမ Samma - vayama = Right Effort
7. သမၼာ သတိ Samma - sati = Right Mindfulness
8. သမၼာ သမာဓိ Samma - samadhi = Right Concentration
The Nobel Threefold Training ( သိကၡာ သံုုးပါး )
1. သီလသိကၡာ Silasikkha = The training of moranty ( 3,4,5 )
2. သမာဓိသိကၡာ Samadhisikkha
3. ပညာသိကၡာ Pannasikkha = The training of wisdom ( 1,2 )
1. What is the right understanding ? ( Samma - ditthi )
The right understanding is :
1. To understand suffering :
2. To understand the origin of suffering :
3. To understand the exitinction of suffering :
4. To understand the path that leads to the exitinction of suffering : ( မဂၢသစၥာ = Magasacca )
This is called the Right Understanding ( Samma - ditthi )
Four kinds of the Right Understanding သမၼာဒိ႒ိ ( ၄ ) မ်ိဳး
1. ကမၼႆကတာ သမၼာဒိ႒ိ = Understanding kamma and its result :
kammassakata - sammaditthi
2 . စ်ာန သမၼာဒိ႒ိ
Jana - sammaditthi
3 . ၀ိပႆနာ သမၼာဒိ႒ိ = Understanding the psycho physical phenomena by insight .
Vipassana - sammaditthi
4. စတုုသစၥ သမၼာဒိ႒ိ
Catusacca - sammaditthi